Plant & Tomato Clips 27 MM

Plant Clips are also popularly referred to as plant, tomato, pepper, ivy clips. There are those produced from first class materials and recycling. Plant clips, which can be produced in two types as transparent and brown, allow for repeated use.
Our high quality plant clip products are with you with the difference of Antalya Clips
Plant And Tomato Clips

Plant & Tomato Clips Product Features

It allows the ivy-type plants to stand upright without lying down and to grow towards the desired side.


It is used in ivy plants such as indeterminate tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, melons and watermelons.

It keeps the plant upright without strangling and allows it to hold onto the rope without getting injured.

It prevents fruit clusters from breaking due to weight.

It saves labor and time with its easy and practical use.

It can be used repeatedly for many years.

It can be used in a greenhouse, garden or even a balcony pot.

The package amount is 500.

Plant And Tomato Clips