
Patented Greenhouse Clip Systems

Patented Greenhouse Clip

International Quality and Patented Greenhouse Clip Systems

International Quality and Patented Greenhouse Clip Systems
The new generation greenhouse clip nylon fasteners that we have produced have been the meeting point of design and chemical engineering. Our tests and certificates have demonstrated our quality and environmental awareness at an international level. With our Turkish Standards Institute (T.S.E) certificate, it has been proven that we are in domestic quality standards.

Antalya Clips | Greenhouse Clip ISO 9001

ISO 9001: Standard of our Greenhouse Clips Quality Certificate, Antalya Clips Our company’s customers’ requirements are unbreakable, high-strength squeezing action, chemistry and customer satisfaction are among the main items of our focus. It means that we have international competence in terms of quality and performance. Let’s find out what are the benefits of our ISO 19901 Certificate for our company and our customers.

  • Becoming a structure that reduces customer complaints and increases customer satisfaction
  • Providing more effective and faster solutions by prioritizing our customers’ requests and suggestions for greenhouse clip products.
  • Keeping increased quality costs the same as market prices with more competitive prices.
  • Maturation of the systemic sales network and production network by more controlled planning of products and productions and customer shipments
  • Better improvement of the factory environment, controlled and working more customer-oriented by minimizing wastage.
  • More systematic progress is achieved by increasing the quality, brand and customer satisfaction image of the company.
  • All of these ensure that our customer focus becomes a corporate firm.

Antalya Clips | Greenhouse Clip ISO 14001 Environmental Awareness Certificate

Our Greenhouse Clip quality is proven by our ISO 14001 certificate, in which we prioritize our environmental awareness. By contributing to the national capital by providing environmental recycling, it is possible to recycle more harmful substances of nature, to increase sensitivity and to present our products to our customers in a higher level within the framework of a more livable world. Let’s get to know exactly what the benefits of our ISO 14001 Certificate are.

  • To contribute to national capital by recycling.
  • To have a green and nature friendly certificate for a more livable world
  • To contribute to the closing of our country’s current account deficit instead of using petroleum and its derivatives from 0 on PVC.
  • To reduce the gas purchases to 0 by international circles and to completely purify them from carcinogenic substances.
  • Our environmentally friendly productions, which are provided without sacrificing quality, are to ensure that our customers are taken at a level that they will not hesitate with confidence.

Antalya Clips | Greenhouse Clip TSE Certificate

Another document of ours is the Turkish Standards Institute within the borders of our country. It means making the necessary controls at the level that has reached the Turkish quality qualification and presenting the products and products to our customers. Companies that have earned the TSE Qualification certificate, which have an average of over 2500 standards, prevent poor quality products from meeting with customers, but it means that the quality control of their companies that have reached the qualification is made to their customers and can be safely preferred in this context. The usage areas of the TSE Certificate in our country and the reasons for preference are as follows.

  • It means that the quality of the service to be provided to government departments and businesses of public institutions and organizations has been proven and approved.
  • It is the level that our customers consider sufficient in terms of reviewing their documents while making their choices.
  • A mechanism that works for scrutiny and value delivery
  • KG Weight and Wall thickness of the produced products are taken as basis. TSE Certificate is not given to the quality products that have not reached the level of qualification.

Antalya Clips | Greenhouse clip Trademark, Logo Registration Certificate

Our trademark and logo are registered at the international level and Antalya Clips name rights are reserved, but legal action is provided in Article 29 of the Industrial Property Law, which constitutes trademark infringement and imitating logo-like designs, color and combination.

It is strongly requested to avoid imitations of our trademark and logo, which are protected according to Article 90 of the Constitution.

Antalya Clips | New Generation Ring Greenhouse Clip and Hammer Head Greenhouse Clip Design Registration Certificate

Antalya Clips, which brings the redesigned products of the sector to the last points, has again taken its innovations under protection at the international level. You can examine the Meaning of Design Registration in more detail from the article below.

“Industrial design is the whole or part of a product or the ornament on it, consisting of various elements or features perceived by the human senses, such as line, shape, shape, color, texture, material or flexibility.”

In today’s commercial life, developing original and new designs and presenting them to the consumer is not enough on its own to achieve commercial success. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to register your product.

At this point, the importance of protecting the investments made, the effort spent and the idea turned into a product emerges at this point. The right to prevent commercial use by other persons without the permission of the owner, obtained through protection, is very important in terms of recycling the investments made, both economically and socially. Otherwise, your originality and innovation will be subject to threats such as theft of ideas, copying and counterfeiting, and it will be very difficult to defend your right.

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